Saturday, January 9, 2010

When My Lungs Begin to Fail Me, I Prevail!

So, I've been battling something bronchial since Thursday night. Was that going to squash my enthusiasm for the opportunity to take a Turbo Kick Master class scheduled for Friday evening?


BUT........I think I was in a little bit of denial as to the severity of the ailment.

First, I will say that I was so incredibly BLESSED by the turn out. Christine Dwyer came from Upstate NEW YORK to teach the class. My coach, Hillary Kelley, drove from CONNECTICUT to participate. My buddy from work came and A TON of ladies from my church also attended.

THANK YOU Michelle, Maria, Beverly, Rose and Iris for giving Turbo Kick a try. When I become an instructor, I will do my best to give you the best exercise experience I can.

All that is to say that TK Round 39 is KILLER! And my phlegm-filled lungs were letting me know. So, I moved my body to low-impact modifications of some of the moves.

Did that stop me from sweating enormously?

Did that stop me from working every muscle in my body?

Did it dampen my enthusiasm while doing it low-impact?

Did it mean I wasn't working to my MAX at that particular moment in time?

Just because you are keeping your feet on the floor during the plyometric Turbo section doesn't mean you aren't working to your max.

Be real with yourself--ask yourself: "Can I give more to this??" If no, that's OK! You are getting the full benefit of the move because you know you have pushed yourself as far as you can.

If YES, consider--within your physical means--how you can take it to the next level.


Does this mean just because my lungs wouldn't allow me to take it to full, high-impact that I am a weak individual?


Everyone has a maximum level at a given point in time. Next time, when my cough has subsided, I KNOW I can push harder and DO MORE.

In your journey, realize that you can do the same. And that you don't have to beat yourself up mentally if you're not at the same level as someone else. Everyone has their own maximum level.

So, for today...

ROCK ON, Fitness Buddies, ROCK ON at your MAX.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

A recent note from *my* coach.

I am an
Independent Team Beachbody Coach. I'm sure that is old news by now.

BUT did you know that I, too, have a coach? And *my* coach has a coach?

In this picture: Hillary Kelly, myself, Christine Dwyer (Hillary's coach!)

Effective coaches are not born, they're made.

(In my opinion) ;-)

Here is the most fantastic and motivating note, from my TBB coach, Hillary Kelly.

SUBJECT: Some thoughts for the New Year

Hey Team!!
As we approach 2010 please consider the following: You can succeed at anything..if you believe in yourself and your abilities. Over the years we get bombarded with negative messages, negative feedback and along the way one can lose their confidence, we lose our desire to succeed and we stop believing in ourselves. Over time the negative thinking can expand to the point we do not feel that there is anything positive in our lives.
Always remember this, you are a spectacular human being capable of achieving and doing anything you desire--all you have to do is believe in yourself and then start doing the right things to succeed. It may not seem easy right now,but once you get your mind and subconscious mind working for you, once you change the way you think, change your beliefs, change your attitude and change your actions--success is automatic. So let's make 2010 our best year ever!! Focus on what you want! Believe in yourself! Believe that you can and will succeed! Get rid of the negative thinking that holds you back! Get your mind and subconscious mind working for you by constantly reminding yourself that YOU ARE GREAT!!!! Wishing You A Fit Day!

I wanted share with everyone because I feel that "paying it forward" really does, and genuinely, exist in this world. In the short time I have known and worked with Hillary, I have learned so much about how her life has been transformed through this business and how much she wants to see the same for me and all those she touches.

The part that stuck with me was "Focus on what you want! Believe in yourself! Believe that you can and will succeed!" (Another blog will address the goals she encourages us to put forth...)

I guess I'm just so blessed to know so many amazing people and continue to meet people to whom I can "pay it forward" to. I really do get such a huge thrill out of seeing others succeed at achieving their goals.

What do you want to focus on this new year?

How can I help you succeed?